Drives Meter

Drives Meter GadgetWith this Drives Meter Gadget you can display your hard disc or flash disk label up to 4 drives, disk activity, used disk space, free disk space, total disk space also with bar indicates, reading speed and writing speed. When you double click on the gadget it will show the Windows Explorer.
For flyout features you have to click on the icon or title to show the information. The information included disk drive model, media type, serial number, interface type, capacity, index, partitions, signature, firmware revision, total cylinders, total sectors, total heads, total tracks, bytes per sector, sectors per track and tracks per cylinder.
For the setting you can change the gadget size up to 400%, refresh rate adjustable, able fixed activity unit to (bit and byte) or (kilobit and kilobyte) or (megabit and megabyte), graph can be show or hide, drawing style can choose either line or filled, color adjustable for background, bar and text and able set auto update notifier


  • Label
  • Disk Activity
  • Used Disk Space
  • Free Disk Space
  • Total Disk Space
  • Reading Speed
  • Writing Speed
  • Refresh Rate Adjustable
  • Size Adjustable
  • Fixed Activity Unit
  • Graph (Show / Hide
  • Auto Update Notifier
  • Double Click On Background Show Windows Explorer
  • Color Adjustable
  • History Scale Type
  • Reset To Default Setting
 Flyout Features (Click on icon or title to show the info)

  • Disk Drive Model
  • Media Type
  • Serial Number
  • Interface Type
  • Capacity
  • Index
  • Partitions
  • Signature
  • Firmware Revision
  • Total Cylinders
  • Total Sectors
  • Total Heads
  • Total Tracks
  • Bytes per Sector
  • Sectors per Track
  • Tracks per Cylinder
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